Business friendly workflow for Document Signatures

Sign with Ease

Sign with Ease

Draw, upload or type your Signatures by e signature tool

PDF workflow

PDF workflow

Edit PDF files on the fly before requesting sign

Work in Team

Work in Team

Distribute documents between departments


Digital Signature Tool
digital signing tool dashboard
e signature tool
digital signing tool
electronic signature tool

Simple yet Powerful Features

Digital signing tool allows you to handle signature flow the way your deals happen

Preparing Signing Requests

  • Upload your documents
  • Customise your own Signature
  • Locate files easily with filters
  • Document Templates
  • In built PDF Editor
Work Process
Work Process

Made for Team

  • Invite team members
  • Assign roles and permissions
  • Create Departments
  • Centralised Company Account

View event timeline for a document

  • Notification Timeline
  • Date and Timestamp wise events
  • See when docs are opened and signed
  • Chat over a doc for collaboration
Work Process
Work Process

Keep an eye like a Bird

  • View all signing requests at one place
  • Automated Reminders
  • Re-request sign on same document
  • Multiple signer workflow


No. Signature is always implemented on in-premise network or on your dedicated servers. No information is stored or transmitted to any third party software or servers.

Virtually unlimited. As long as you have space to accommodate them in your server, there’s no limit to users.

Contact us to let us know how Slate can be useful to you. We don’t have over the board pricing – it’s a small solution that we help you implement within your teams and can also optionally manage for maintenance.

Absolutely. Go ahead and reach out to us to schedule a demo.

Start using Slate for your Team

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Employee Engagement

