Why Global Businesses Love to Hire Offshore Development Company?

By Rania Mar 15, 2021, 6:31:50 PM , In Offshore Development
Why Global Businesses Love to Hire Offshore Development Company?

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As an enterprise company, a core team of developers and full-time tech staff is essential, ensuring that you have a solid infrastructure. However, working with an offshore team of developers can help a startup grow and mature, even if they have a limited team or a single founder.

This blog comprehends why a company should hire offshore developers? Enterprises, large corporations, and entrepreneurs all hire offshore developers through offshore software development company. Continue reading to learn more about the main reasons this trend is swiftly increasing.

For all the global startups, businesses, and enterprises today, offshore development by an offshore software development company is ‘the New Normal’. More and more businesses are opting for offshore development for outsourcing some software development tasks or the whole software development project. The purpose of this offshore outsourcing is to gain multiple benefits in terms of saving time, effort, and money for hiring, managing, and maintaining a dedicated software development team. Let us go bit by bit to understand the basics of it.

What is offshore development?

In general terms, offshore software development is the process where the parent company or business hires a third-party software development company, based out of a different country, to outsource some or all of the software development tasks. For example, an Ecommerce business in the USA looking to develop a complete Ecommerce website or a mobile app, hires a dedicated Ecommerce app development team from India, to develop and launch the platform.

What is a Dedicated Development Team?

The dedicated development team represents a business engagement model. It is an agreement between the two parties, the client who has hired the service providers to develop a software product. The service provider, typically a software development company in a remote location, procures a dedicated software development team or an individual developer on a short-term or long-term basis to develop and deliver a software product.

The selection process of the right resources to onboard the team goes through a screening process and interviews in order to verify the expertise and experience before hiring. A dedicated development team is perfect for projects where the project requirements are likely to change at any point in time.

Read more: Dedicated Engagement Model & Onboard Process

Why the need for offshore development is on the rise?

Global businesses are facing multiple challenges post Covid-19 pandemic and are more aware of the risks involved in the infrastructure-dependent workforce. The wise thing for businesses is to evolve at a higher pace with the changing needs and time. Even before the pandemic, especially in the western countries, where the cost per resource is extremely high, businesses find it difficult to implement the infrastructure and in-house resource teams to develop and launch software applications efficiently.

Offshore development or offshore outsourcing is perhaps the right choice to go with in order to tackle the problems.

When to choose offshore development?

Typically, there are three scenarios in which global businesses shall consider opting for the offshore software development company.

  • Running strictly on the budget for software development projects.
  • To gain exposure in foreign waters.
  • Lack of available resources that fit perfectly in terms of technical expertise and other prerequisites of any software development project.

Any or all of these situations are faced by the businesses during the various phases along the journey. This is not the end. There are other fruitful benefits of opting for offshore development, which are mentioned below.

Benefits of Hiring an Offshore Development Company

Cost-effective and Affordable

For small and medium businesses, especially startups, expenditure and financial resources are the main concerns. To make it even clear, please note the stat I fetched from SmallBizTrends, which reports that 82% of businesses fail due to cash flow problems, and the majority of them being startups. Offshore development can be a blessing for them. Let me tell you why.

Outsourcing a project to an offshore software development company will instantly give you access to a team of the right software experts. This eliminates the money and efforts businesses may waste in the recruitment of a team. Also, huge infrastructure costs can be saved too. Offshore development ensures a predictable development cycle with a precise budget.

Flexibility to Scale Up/Scale Down

A dedicated engagement model while partnering with an offshore development company is best suited when the changes are constant. For long-term engagement, businesses can quickly scale up and scale down teams as per the changes in business needs, which may directly reflect the development ecosystem.

Businesses simply have to notify the offshore development partners prior to the request and implement the changes at the earliest. This helps businesses to maintain and ensure the smooth flow of the development and post-development maintenance of the software products.

Instant Access to Advanced & Technology Expertise

Software development, whether it is a mobile app development or a web app development, can be complicated based on various functionalities and features. The features and functionalities are business-oriented and often cause complications in development. Hence, specific technology experts with experience are needed. With the non-stop emergence of technologies and coding tools continuously evolving, hiring a dedicated team of developers through offshore outsourcing is perhaps the best thing to do.

Especially when in-house resources of any business looking to develop a software product or a digital solution do not have that expertise. Why not handpick the right developers from an offshore development partner company and create a team on your own in no time at all?

Faster Project Kick-off & Delivery

Imagine creating your own team of in-house developers if you have none yet. Now imagine the time required to find the right resources, recruit, and creating a cluster. This new team will also take time to cooperate, understand the individual roles, adjust internally and with the process from project initiation to delivery.

All this time required in accomplishing everything is reduced by 90% if you opt to outsource the development project and hire a dedicated software development team. This will directly result in a faster project execution process and faster deliveries. It may sound interesting for your to know about the discovery phase where it all starts, before the development process.

Read more: Importance of Discovery Workshop

Better Focus on Core Business Operations

By all the technical work being handled by an offshoring software development company, business owners can focus much better on other priorities and operations. This process offers ZERO distractions for the business owners while giving them complete access and transparency to the daily updates. Close collaboration is the only thing required between the two parties for a successful engagement.

Quick Tip…

If you are a startup, an established, or an enterprise and looking to hire a top offshore development company in India, following are the most basic steps. You need to do some homework before a successful engagement for hiring a dedicated team of software developers.

  • Define your business goals
  • Brainstorm and make a list of technologies and skillset required
  • Plan your budget
  • Find and choose the right offshore development partner (company)

Why IndiaNIC is the Right Offshore Development Company for you?

IndiaNIC has been successfully delivering software development services on a global scale since 1997. Our dedicated offshore development center in India will help you to accomplish your business goals. We have a workforce of over 500 professionals and workstations​ equipped with cutting-edge tools making us a leading Offshore Development Company. A rich portfolio comprising 7000+ projects, 90% projects from these are developed and delivered for foreign clients over all these years.

With a smooth selection process, hire offshore developers or create your own remote team of chosen top-notch experienced developers with faster onboarding, contact us now.

FAQs on Offshore Development Services

What is the meaning of offshore projects?

Offshore refers to the development work that involves giving project operations over to another team at a different location. You could find it in your country, or even another country. However, customers might also face time differences because of the other continents.

What are the advantages of working with an offshore development company?

The significant gain of working with an offshore development team is precision and cost-effectiveness. Hiring skilled and dedicated offshore developers at extremely affordable rates is possible. It also lets you maximize your profits and saves operational costs.

Are your offshore developers part of your long-term development team?

Offshore development can be part of your long-term team and they can work remotely. Your employees are the most valuable asset in any company. Your offshore team can become a long-term partner or asset for your company.

Why is offshore development so important?

Offshore development centers are becoming more popular because they can leverage local expertise and reduce overhead. A workplace for software development can be established in a country with a large pool of affordable and highly qualified software resources. They offer offshore software development services at a reduced cost to businesses all around the globe.

When to choose offshore development?

Consider hiring offshore developers from an offshore development company if you have limited resources and want to stay cost-efficient. You can harness top talent, speed up development and use cutting-edge technology while working with an offshore development partner.